The Designer Duo
The Designer Duo
School: | The Creative Circus |
Team: | Lindsey Denton, Carolyn Asman |

The Design Duo team has created the perfect packaging to reimagine the 6oz
Minute Maid (Honest Juice) Pouch with a strawless alternative. We wanted to
create a package that not only eliminated the need of a plastic straw, but also to not
replace it with another plastic material (like a screw cap ). This packaging uses
material that can be terracycle. These 100% recyclable materials addresses the
growing need among customers and cities to buy environmentally friendly
products. Another component of this pouch redesign was to make it functional for
both the parent and child consumer.
Our rip-n-sip design was strategically placed in the tilted leaf make to make the
juice easy to consume. We also used a pouch design so that it could be easily held in
a child’s hands, and easily packed for on-the-go by a parent. Besides the physical
aspect of this pouch redesign, we also considered how to make the aesthetics of
the packaging more appealing to both consumers.
To make the package stand out amongst its competitors in the juice aisle, we
decided to take a minimalist approach. Simplifying the design and having a clean
look makes the brand more appealing to the parent consumer. The bright use of
color and illustration was used to bring a humanistic feel to the pouch and to
appeal to the child consumer. To display how these design elements can be used on
the whole Honest Kids Juice line, we’ve shown three versions of packaging. Each
pouch package reflects the ingredients and flavor of the juice inside.