Packaging It
Packaging It
School: | Portfolio Center |
Team: | Leanna Martin, John Dorsey, Mira Brody, Alex Kozar, Gardy Banks |

From Minutes to Moments
Minute Maid’s juice box currently is a single-serve Tetra Brick with a straw. They feature a
simple design with fruit cleverly placed making friendly faces. Nothing eye-catching or inspiring.
Our redesign promotes responsible use of materials, improves functionality, inspires creativity,
and creates an emotional connection with parents and children alike. We present to
you our Minute Monsterz juice boxes.
Our Minute Monsterz juice box design will remain manufactured by Tetra, they make a great
recyclable product whose form meets function. We’ll be replacing the straw hole with
spill-proof, easy access, silicon single way suction mouthpiece. Our silicon will be 100% BPA
free and biodegradable, it’ll effectively eliminate millions of straws from our ecosystem. Not
to mention a mess-free way for kids to play with their juice boxes.
Our Minute Monsterz boxes are unlike any other design on the market. Our bold and fresh
boxes practically jump off of the shelves. We’ve incorporated fun monster characters into our
box design to engage kids even after they’re done drinking. They can lift the tear-away tabs
to reveal each monster’s appendages, thus giving the juice box a whole new life.
Minute Monsterz will continue to be manufactured by Tetra Brick. This keeps the packaging
affordable for consumers and profitable for manufacturers. Removing the straws from the
equation not only reduces waste but removes a pain point for customers. Children have long
agonized over straw usage in our packages as well as our competitors (Caprisun, Kool-Aid,
Hi-C, etc). Our single flow mouthpieces remedy the pain of straws and eliminate spillage risk
that usually accompanies puncturing juice boxes. Minute Monsterz give children a chance to
ignite their imagination while enjoying a delicious, nutritious snack.
Time seems to slip through our fingers. Making each minute matter is easier said than done.
Minute Maid found a way to make snack time matter more. Enter Minute Monsterz.
Minute Monsterz ignite the imagination. Parents that chose Minute Maid don’t just pack
lunches, they pack fun. Interactive packaging brings wonder and joy to snacktime. It’s okay
to play with your food. A moment played is never wasted.