BooHoo Band-Aids
BooHoo Band-Aids
School: | Creative Circus |
Team: | Sara Lowe, Morgan Mack |

BandAids are probably one of the most useful products ever created. They make it easy for
you to cover cuts and burns without the hassle of creating a new bandage for each injury.
However every product has its shortcomings. BandAids aren’t easy to apply without help
particularly if you have cuts or burns on your hands.
BooHoo comes in a portable package that dispenses BandAids with a simple flick of the wrist.
The box is a thin durable plastic, with refillable slots for each BandAid size. BooHoo reduces
the amount of packaging produced by BandAid. The bandages would be stacked with a sterile
adhesive and the traditional wax paper edge would protect the exposed side and the
absorbent pad that covers the wound.
When you get hurt, you get scared, so every bandage features a character who transforms
when they’re in pain . The front of the package shows their painfree
selves, while the inside
shows their pained expressions and their BandAid tongues sticking out.